
Showing posts from September, 2017

Post #10: Hardest Rule to Follow

  In your life you have many rules. At home, at school, at church, and many other places. What is the hardest rule you have come across during your life that is extremely hard to follow. Is it a rule you always break and get in trouble for? Is it a rule that you follow but wish was not a rule? Please tell me about the rule, why you don't like the rule, why the rule is hard to follow, why you think the rule is in place, and anything else you can say about the rule. Remember to title and number your blog, 5 sentences, 1 picture, and 5 comments.  When you are done: go to Typing Club & complete Lessons 111-120. When you have finished your typing go to Google Classroom and complete the Google Slides Assignment.

Post #9: Cereal Box Surprise

Cereal Companies try to entice customers by placing a prize in their boxes: toys, gadgets, and games are just a few examples. If you could find any prize, what surprise would you like to find in a cereal box?  Why?  Remember it has to fit in a cereal box!!!  Use your imagination and have fun with this one.  Don't forget 5 & 5: Five sentences minimum and then comment on five other blogs (be respectful/kind). 

Post #8: What's for Dinner?

If you could have anything for dinner what would it be? Steak? Pizza? Lobster? Pretend that you have to cook dinner for your family and you have to plan the menu, tell me "What's for Dinner?" Tell me the main dish, side dish, dessert, beverages that you would serve at tonight's meal. You may also include how you would make your food, or what you would have to do to get ready to bring it to your table. Remember, 5 sentences, title, picture, and 5 comments on other students blogs. Have fun with this one, anything is possible. When you are done with your blog go to Typing Club and take a TYPING TEST #2.  You will have a Google Docs Final Assignment due tomorrow.

Post #7: My Elementary School

Today's Blog is about your elementary school. What elementary school did you go to? Did you like it? What was your mascot? What was your favorite grade? Favorite memory there? Who was your Principal? Who is the teacher you most remember? Remember the blog # in your title, 5 sentences, picture, and 5 comments. When you are done please complete lessons 91-100 in Typing Club. Everyone must be done with lesson 1-100 by the end of today!  The following students need to get caught up on Typing Club: Matthew Ruegge Kyle Hendrickson Jose Hernandez Johana Bayona Leland Arashiro

Post #6: Dream Pet

Today you will tell me about your dream pet. It can be anything real or fictional, alive or dead. It can be a shark, a bigfoot, a liger. Tell me where you got him, why you got him, what you will do together, how other people would feel about him, or anything else you can possibly think of. Have fun, be creative, anything is possible. Remember to number and title your blog, 5 sentences, 1 picture, 5 comments.   When you are finished please go , log in, and complete lessons 81-90. Finish your Lottery Google Docs Group Assignment & turn it in!!!

Post #5: Do You Believe?

What are your thoughts on Cryptozoology?  Don't know what that is?  Google it, then write your post on what you think about it and if you could choose one example as your favorite, what would it be.  Remember 5 sentences, title your blog post, add a picture, and finally comment on 5 other students blogs.  After you are finished with your blog, go to Typing Club and complete lessons 72-80.

Post #4: Favorite Theme Park

Good Morning Students, Everyone love theme parks: Disneyland, Magic Mountain, Great America, Knotts Berry Farm, Harry Potter World, Universal Studios. What is your Favorite theme park? Why? What do you love about it? What is your best memory at a theme park? If you have never been, which one would you like to go to and why?  Remember 5 sentences, title, picture, and 5 comments on other student's posts. When you are finished with your blog to to Typing Club. There are no lessons today, but you do need to take the typing test that has been assigned to you.

Post #3: What Are You Watching?

       It’s a new school year which means a start to a new television season. What Returning TV show are you most excited about starting up. Why are you excited about this show? Or What New TV or online show are you most excited to see? Why are you excited to see it? Remember 5 sentences, a picture, a title, and you MUST comment on the blog posts of five other class members. When you are done... Typing Cub:  Complete lessons 59-71 .

Post #2: The Gridiron

College football started recently and the NFL is underway.  Tell me about your favorite team or teams, why you like them, and who you watch the games with.  If you are not that into football, tell me about another sport that you and your family enjoy watching together.  Be sure to include an image. Five sentences minimum. Don't forget to capitalize, punctuate, and reread your post before you publish it for any errors.   Typing Club:   Go to typing club and complete lessons 48-58. Please try to comment on the other posts from students in your group.  If there is still time left over, you can   read and comment on 5 other students' posts in the class .  Happy blogging!  Don't judge!