Post #38: Last Post of the Year!

Hello Class, and congratulations! You made it to the last post of the year!

For your final post I would like you to tell me about the best and worst of 2017.  What happened this year that was "good", what happened that you thought was "bad"? Don't forget 5 sentences minimum.  When you are done with your blog, please go to and complete the lesson titled "Advanced Punctuation"

6:50 – 7:44                Zero Period
7:20 – 8:01                Collaboration/PLC
8:01 – 8:07               6 minutes passing time
8:07 – 9:59                1st Period (112 minutes)
9:59 – 10:08             Break
10:08 – 10:14            6 minute passing time
10:14 – 12:01             3rd Period (107 minutes)
12:01 – 12:50            Lunch (49 minutes – additional 9 minutes)
12:50 -12:56              6 minute passing time

12:56 – 2:43              7th Period (107 minutes)


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